May 20, 2011

Ode to V.

I've done one of these posts before but I have such a great hubby I just can't help but do another!  I  have a pretty amazing husband, I certainly won the husband lottery!  He's not perfect but neither am I, however we both work hard at our relationship and what more could a girl ask for?  He's been pretty darn incredible during my pregnancy and while it has taken him some time to figure a few things out or see my perspective he always makes an effort.  And for that I give him major kudos, I mean the guy was 34 when we got married, he was pretty set in his ways!  He makes a serious effort, and while I certainly don't win all the battles (nor should I) he always tries to see my side even if he never agrees! :)

As you may remember our house had to undergo some construction before little guy arrives.  At first I was super excited, the house does need some love (we rent from V's family, looooong story).  But then the months drug on and now I find myself in my 9th month of pregnancy living in a construction zone, it's not easy to say the least.  I'm thankful that I married such a handy guy but I wish the others would step up and help instead of just relying on him knowing how handy he is.  I may not have mentioned V loves working with his hands, he's done many jobs over the years I've known him but they are always making/building things, he just isn't a "sit at a desk" kind of guy and that is fine by me.  So for the last ~3 years V has been installing hardwood floors, he enjoys it (for the most part) and it's a new skill for him.  So last night V's dad and uncle arrived before V got off work to begin the roof work, V (who had already put in a good 10 hours at work) pulls up to the house, gets out of his truck, climbs the latter to our roof and goes straight to work.  Wow! I thought to myself out loud "what a guy!" As I sat there watching the guys work I began rubbing my belly just feeling so blessed to have the love of this man who would work so hard for little guy and I.

It means so much to me that my son will grow up with strong male role models around him.  While I realize no one is perfect they are, in my eyes, role models of what a good man is (especially compared to my father, a far cry from a role model for anything).  I often survey my life and wonder how I got so lucky...I have a wonderful husband, in-laws and friends, not to mention good health and good health for my son.  V and I may not have "it all" in the world's eyes but we are beyond wealthy in love and have an abundance to give this baby.

My cup does not over-flow, it's sunken in a ocean of love and blessings!

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