February 12, 2011

I love you Saturday!

I'm falling in love with Saturdays, I love having few or no obligations is just heavenly, sounds lazy doesn't it?!  I'm ok with that!  This weekend, while still not even half over has been so lovely I wanted to record it! 

It started yesterday, after having several rough days at work I had the best day there in a long time, so much so that my boss let me leave 1.5 hrs early, with pay! Yippie!  After work my sweet V took me to dinner just because and he even selected one of the places I enjoy far more than him, yippie!!  We enjoyed our meal and returned home to snuggle and watch one of the baby shows I had DVR'd.  We turned in at a decent hour (despite our dog running away and V having to chase her in the dark and cold). 

I slept well (rare these days) but V got up a little extra early to do the last of the primer in the nursery.  After working on that for a while he woke me up sweetly so I could make it to yoga with time to eat etc first.  I enjoyed a wonderful yoga class, returned home and prepared to attend a jewelry party with my bestie.  It was so good to see her, I'm sure it's only been maybe two weeks but despite talking most days it felt like a much longer amount of time since we had some quality time together.  We enjoyed lunch and the party and headed off to run a quick errand.  I had bought some maternity jeans online that wouldn't work out.  She went with me while I returned the jeans and tried on a few items having only success with another pair of jeans.  She even found an adorable shirt on clearance!  Score for both of us!  Now I'm home, the temperature has risen enough to melt some of our snow and I'm lounging happily with no more plans for the day while V enjoys some guy-time (aka video games).  I know it's probably dull to read but it's been such a lovely day, I couldn't ask for better! <3

I hope each of you are having your ideal weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Saturdays are fantastic! You sound good. Glad your day went so well. Wasn't this temp so nice? I hear it got up to 56. Even this snow lover enjoyed that. Have a wonderful Sunday too! Kit
