August 2, 2012

Just Call Me: SuperMom/SuperWife!

I generally consider myself an organized person, having Liam has improved my time management skills like nobody's business!  But I'm still a person, things slip though the cracks sometimes.....

thanks google images
But not today!  I am so on it!  Today I paid almost all of our bills (hi, incase you hadn't noticed it's only August 2nd).  Most of our bills aren't even due for two more weeks, at least!  I also signed Liam up for Fall/Winter Parent & Tot Swim Lessons at the YMCA, in addition I signed myself up for a new fitness class at the Adult Learning Center in our town!  I love taking classes at our adult center, they are high quality but super affordable, 8 classes for $25?! Yes Please!  I've taken regular yoga but never the heated vinyasa so I'm pretty excited!  I might be overly excited because having this class also means it's scheduled "me" time (in case you are wondering it's after Liam is in bed, difficult to come by but not impossible).

All this while getting all my work  plus some done at the 'ol desk job!  (Bosslady is out of town so I've been able to juggle a bit extra today).  Not only all this but we have manage to pay off most of our car!  By October we will have no car payment and I'll probably lower our insurance to save even more!

I feel like supermom/superwife!  Today I could concur the world!  Or at very least organize it's schedule and perhaps balance it's bank account!

Ohohoh! And one more thing, I have dinner planned for tonight!  That's right, I'm awesome!

I hope you got a few giggles out of my silliness today!

Much Love,

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