December 29, 2012

Running in the Cold

If you knew me in real life you would know I'm not a big fan of winter.  I don't snowboard, ski etc because I don't like to be cold and don't warm up quickly.  Too bad I've spent almost my entire life in the pacific northwest eh?

Anyway I wanted to toot my own horn today.  I've been working out at the gym for a few months since the cold weather hit our area, even running a few miles a couple times a week on the treadmill (which is similar to Chinese water torture if you ask me!).  This morning Liam slept in and I couldn't pry myself out of bed in time to make it to my bodycombat class that I've been loving so much.  The three of us just enjoyed a lovely lazy Saturday morning and before we knew it Liam needed a nap, aka workout time for Momma.

After Liam went down I went back and forth on what to do for my workout, I'd missed all the classes and really only wanted cardio since I can still get strength workouts in later this weekend.  I kept checking the weather channel, ugh below 30*.  Finally I just got dressed and even posted a facebook status "too bad I'm not hardcore enough to run outside in the cold, off to the gym I go".  I went outside to get my car out of the garage...hmmm it's not too bad out here.   I got the car our and went back inside to change.  V had gotten me a base layer for Christmas and I already had warm pants, gloves and a hat...I'll just go a little ways and see how it feels.  I got out there and it was awesome.  So awesome!  I did my 'ol 4.5 mile loop that I love so much and even made really great time!!

I don't have to start training for a few more weeks, but I'm excited to know that I can still get in a good outside run every now and then!!  Yay me!!

And just for fun, here is a pic I found on the web, this was an actual sign along the half marathon route last year!! Too funny!!!

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