June 20, 2013

My First 10k Race

Last night I did my first 10k race, it was very rain but a wonderful time! I wrote up a post on my Health and Fitness Blog at Wildflower Fitness.

Much Love,

June 14, 2013

Two Years

Last year on this day I was in full sap mode, I wrote this post about how I could recall what was happening at each hour {on the day Liam was born}.

This year I'm overjoyed but not as sappy. Honestly things have been so crazy I haven't had time to be sappy. Liam got super sick Tuesday night, like vomiting and stuff, it was scary. He was fine by morning but I took Weds off work to hang out with him. We cuddled all day, guess I'll find out if it was viral. I had planned to take today off and spend it with Liam, take him swimming and the whole nine yards but I just don't have enough paid time off stored up.

Last night after we put Liam down for the night I ran out and got a big bunch of balloons including Liam's current favorite Thomas the Train. I also picked up muffins and cupcakes for the morning (well cupcakes are for dinner). I had already purchased this adorable little Thomas the Train flashlight thing, I knew he'd be over the moon for it! I got home late but my excitement for Liam kept me going, I knew he wouldn't totally get it but I also knew he'd be super excited.

Unfortunately Liam coughed all night, his poor nose is just running like mad. I got up at least a half dozen times to sooth him back to sleep (back rubbing, bink, cover with blanket etc). By the time morning rolled around I could barely pull my butt out of bed, I told V not to wake Liam until I was out of the shower. I showered and dressed at light-speed then V and I went in and woke Liam with the "happy birthday" song. Liam proceeded to kick his feet in protest. He did not want to get up, poor little dude! We managed to get him up, changed his diaper and went into the livingroom where he promptly noticed the huge bundle of balloons and got super excited! Success! He ate his chocolate chip muffin while enjoying some Chica Show on Spout while I ran around like a crazy person trying to get ready, wet hair it is.

Thankfully it's a Grandma's day so I dropped him off there and Grandpa had taken the day off so Liam was ubber happy! I've been at work since and still feel like I'm running around like a crazy person, so many things to get done!

This past year has been amazing, it's so incredible to see the changes in Liam. He's truly a little boy and not a baby anymore, although he'll always be my baby! He's the happiest person I know. He's sweet and kind but stubborn as his Momma too! It's difficult to put into words how much I love this little boy but I guess that is part of being a mom, it's something you can't explain and don't fully understand until you are here.

I've loved every moment, even the really frustrating ones, of being Liam's mom. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

June 5, 2013

Happy National Running Day!!!!

This could possibly be my favorite holiday ever, ok after Thanksgiving!

Some background on my life as a runner; In Sept of '11 I was diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease called ITP. I also had a three month old baby boy, to say I was stressed out would be taking it all very lightly. After not dealing with the stress very well for a few months I started running, slowly (half because I've had Asthma my entire life half because it was Feb. in MT=snowy). Slowly I started to feel some control over my health again, also the last bit of my baby weight came off....plus some. I had more energy and much needed me time, needless to say my husband was a huge supporter! In July of last year I did my first Half Marathon, it was slow going but I did it!

Today I run as often as possible which adds up to about three times a week. I run races as often as I find an interesting one. :) Running sets me free, whatever stress I have I can think through, pray through or simply listen to music of the pounding of my feet on the ground. It's heaven, it's still my "me-time".

I already did a lunch time hike with a co-worker and new friend today but I'm planning to get a few miles in tonight once my day at the 'ol 9-5 is over and done (1.5hrs!). I mean I have to celebrate the holiday! Perhaps I'll even attempt a run with Liam in the jogger....ek!

This is one of my all time favorite paths to run in my fine city, the picture is not mine but off of Google Images.


Who else is with me?

Much Love,

June 1, 2013

I'm on Bloglovin'

Though I still haven't figured much of it out....

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